Jumbo Taxi
Initial Fee | 660 yen (up to 1.1km) |
Additional Fee | 90 yen every 222m |
Charter Fee | 7,800 yen per hour |
For long distances, the meter rate takes precedence.
If you would like to use our service for multiple days, please contact us.
Regular Taxi
Initial Fe | 580 yen (up to 1.1km) |
Additional Fee | 80 yen every 305m |
Charter Fee | 5,500 yen per hour |
Late Hours From 10pm to 5am | add 20% of the fee. |
Discounts for people with physical and intellectual disabilities | 10% of the fee |
About Cancelation
We charge 50% for the cancelation before the day of your reservation, and we charge 100% if you cancel on the day of your reservation.